Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Answers are in our Breath

The answers are in our breath
Many of us practice mindful breath when we are calm or meditating. But breath can often be the last thing we think of when we are scared or hurting.

Breath is the grounding life force. It has the power to bring us back into our bodies, and the power to take us back out. Breath is reassurance we are still alive, and therefore, "OK". In those moments of adversity our bodies contract, and our natural functions slow down and stagnate.

Want to be your own wizard? Next time you get some news you weren't quite prepared for, stop yourself before you let the wave of emotions be your guide. Center, breathe, calm yourself with kind reassuring words that you will indeed be ok, and that life is unfolding your perfect journey in ways you can't yet imagine.

Often all we really need to offer our loved ones is witness to their fears, the validity of being heard.

Remember, you are the force which can calm, console, and comfort. You are the source; all that is, all that was, all that will be. Breath it in.

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